Facilities – Research Laboratories

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Facilities - Research Laboratories

Facilities – Research Laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Research and Application in Infant’s Touch (Government Gazette 281/Β/11-02-2016)
  • Laboratory of Infant’s Care and Education (Government Gazette 281/Β/11-02-2016)

Laboratory of Research and Application in Infant’s Touch

The purpose of the Laboratory of Research and Application in Infant’s Touch is to promote scientific research, to provide services to third parties and to strengthen educational work and Lifelong Learning programs, in the field of Therapeutic Touch in the light of Early Preventive Counseling, with the aim of promoting Infant Mental Health.

Specifically, the areas of activities of the Laboratory are:

  1. Development of research activity in the context of Early Experiences in the promotion of social, emotional and cognitive development during infancy
  2. Development of research activity with an emphasis on the effects of Therapeutic Touch, in the system of physical, social, cultural and historical developmental contexts of infant development
  3. Provision of training services for those interested in scientifically proven, low-cost practices, such as Infant Chiropractic
  4. Expansion of the services of the Department of Early Years Learning and Care, responding on the one hand to the calls of the times to strengthen its sustainability and on the other hand to identified needs in the implementation of Early Preventive Counseling Interventions
  5. Support of the undergraduate educational process and promotion of postgraduate and Lifelong Learning in the above scientific fields.
  6. Organization of seminars with referrals from internationally recognized experts who research, implement and teach Early Counseling Intervention Programs, during infancy and toddlerhood
  7. Design and development of Early Childhood Counseling Programs
  8. Collaborations with preschool programs, hospitals and related areas for the development of small children, in the country and abroad
  9. Publication of manuals and scientific studies
  10. Digitization of the produced material.

Laboratory of Infant’s Care and Education

The Laboratory aims to study the areas of the child’s daily life – sleep, nutrition, behavior control – from birth to the age of four (4). International developments in the scientific field of infant development record the deeper meaning of a complete understanding of infant development and care, which presupposes the study of the developmental stages and developmental achievements, and that no stage can be considered more important than another. The whole range of development is important, the overall picture of which is formed and maintained by projections into the future and by looking back at the past, in search of the starting point and sources of a behavior. In particular the Laboratory aims to understand and encourage children’s development in areas such as investigating information processing as well as investigating dimensions of health and social development. Specifically, the main research objectives of the Laboratory aim to investigate developmentally appropriate practices in the following topics:

Α. Information Processing Investigation:

  • Hand-eye coordination (visual-motor)
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills


Β. Investigating dimensions of health and social development:

  • Nutrition and type of interpersonal communication
  • Holding an infant
  • Crying baby
  • Sleep practices